C2IMPRESS at the ITDRR 2023 Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction Conference (ITDRR) 2023 is going to be held December 4-6 at Tokai University Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo, Japan. Julie Dugdale (Professor, University Gren...
Hidralerta – an EWS for Ports and Coastal Zones In most disaster-prone regions, early warning systems (EWS) are an important tool for local authorities to detect emergency situations in advance and initiate the necessary safety measures. HIDRALERTA...
C2IMPRESS 2nd General Assembly and 3rd Periodic Meeting The C2IMPRESS consortium members attended the 2nd General Assembly and 3rd Periodic Meeting at Palma de Mallorca, Spain 25-27 October, 2023. The meeting was hosted by two of its consortium members, Un...
C2IMPRESS Interview: In conversation with Cenk Gureken Cenk Gureken is currently working as the European Projects Team Leader at SAMPAS Holding , which is the biggest and most awarded smart city solutions provider company in Turkey. The C2IMPRESS Dissemin...
PPCP Workshop held at the Ordu Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey The Municipality of Ordu hosted the C2IMPRESS ‘PPCP-Living Laboratory’ Workshop on October 5, 2023. This is the first time the Municipality of Ordu (Turkey) is hosting this workshop under the banner o...
Exclusive: interview of Ioannis Gkikas, the Mayor of Egaleo C2IMPRESS: an introduction The Co-Creative Improved Understanding and Awareness of Multi-Hazard Risks for Disaster Resilient Society ( C2IMPRESS ) collaboratively carried by sixteen partners from diff...
C2IMPRESS at the Projects to Policy Seminar in Belgium C2IMPRESS attended the Projects to Policy Seminar, co-organised by DG Home and the European Research Executive Agency (REA). The two-day long seminar commenced on 15 June 2023, in Belgium. Every year,...
C2IMPRESS Project mentioned in external platforms (Part-I) The C2IMPRESS Project has lately been mentioned in two external platforms. Both the platforms are linked to one of C2IMPRESS consortium members, The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil/National L...
C2IMPRESS: 1st General Assembly Meeting and the PPCP Workshop The Co-Creative Improved Understanding and Awareness of Multi-Hazard Risks for Disaster Resilient Society (C2IMPRESS) consortium attended their 1st General Assembly meeting on 2-3 May 2023 in Egaleo, ...
C2IMPRESS will be present at EGU 2023 C2IMPRESS's partners Rui A. P. Perdigão and Julia Hall from Synergistic Manifolds Unipessoal LDA (MET) will be presenting their paper on ‘Augmented Information Physical Systems Intelligence (AIPSI) fo...
C2IMPRESS Project Kick-Off Meeting Held in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2022 The 16 partner organisations of the C2IMPRESS project met for the first time in Istanbul, Turkey, during the kick-off meeting on 24-25 October 2022. C2IMPRESS is a three-year-long project funded by th...