C2IMPRESS hosts its third public Webinar

9 May 2024 by

One of the major aims of the C2IMPRESS Project includes crafting a methodology to foster engagement among public, private, and civil society actors in discussions on natural disaster resilience. This endeavor manifests through PPCP workshops facilitated by the Artelia Group, actively involving members from the C2IMPRESS’ four Case Study Areas (CSAs) - Egaleo in Greece, Balearic Islands in Spain, Centro Region in Portugal and Ordu in Turkey.

To inform and create awareness about the PPCP approach in the C2IMPRESS framework, C2IMPRESS recently organised its 3rd public webinar: "Engaging multi-stakeholders in the co-creation and co-design of disaster management solutions: the Public-Private-Civil Partnership (PPCP) approach in C2IMPRESS" on May 7th. The objective of this webinar was to present the Public-Private-Civil Partnership developed by Artelia in the context of the C2IMPRESS project, as well as its implementation conditions in the different CSAs of the project.

To know more about the webinar and the speakers:

Click below for Webinar Presentations:

Webinar Presentations

Watch the Webinar Recording:

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